We did something very, very sneaky a week or two ago… We took a total spur of the moment trip to Florida for one heck of a well needed, sit at the beach all day, weekend hideaway. In a matter of 30 minutes, we booked airline tickets, found our Airbnb, and were off the next day to Destin, Florida. The best part, depending on who you ask, is that we told no one. (The kids will say skipping school was the best part.) Then we double-downed on the impulsiveness and extended our secret getaway halfway through the trip.
Spontaneity for the Win:
Maybe it was the most absolutely perfect beach weather and sunny sky, maybe it was the perfect white sand and aqua water I had missed so much. Or maybe it was just getting out of the dang house after months of the corona lockdown! Whatever it was, IT.WAS.GLORIOUS. Five straight days of no working, no soccer practicing, chauffering, just playing.

Finding the tickets are proof that I am great with a Google search. I lived in Florida for practically my whole life, and would have never thought to search for flights through Pensacola airport. The fact that a direct flight even exists between Denver and Pensacola blows my mind, but talk about one happy little accident to stumble across!
If you know me, there is always a schedule to keep. However, in the spirit of spontaneousness and just needing some quality R&R, we went with no itinerary. OK, maybe one thing on the agenda – sit on my bum with a pina colada in my hand. Chris reverts back to being a kid at the beach – he loves swimming, frisbeeing, and football throwing. We couldn’t have planned it better anyway. We fished, snorkeled, and ate all the fresh seafood we’ve been craving and can’t seem to find! (Hello, grouper sandwiches and Pub Subs!) We even happened to be there for a couple of days of the Destin Fishing Rodeo.

What you might not know about us, is that some pretty life-changing stuff happens each time we take a trip down the scenic 30A. Our first trip to the Panhandle together, Chris proposed. On the next trip, we found out we were moving to Colorado. So far, no big surprises for this time around!

[…] at Crested Butte and Beaver Creek. We’ve done some relaxing weekends on the water in both Destin, FL, and Grand Lake, CO. We found a perfect summer vacation in Steamboat Springs – horseback […]
[…] I told you, literally Sanibel Island has something for everyone in your family, but close enough to still check each other out. It is so delightful to break away from the grind and just relax but there were definitely somethings going on that we totally missed out on. We had hoped to see the lighthouse of the end of the island and maybe join in with all the beach bikers going through the cute, little downtown strip. But there’s always next time. I maybe an East Coast (of Florida) girl, but I love those West Coast (of Florida) vibes. […]
Hey, I went there… it is beautiful!
[…] snowstorm moved into the mountains, we spontaneously booked some nights in Crested Butte, CO. (Spontaneity is how we most of our trips.) Fresh powder doesn’t hurt either. Not bad for a quick getaway over the New Years Week […]