Mark the date, here we are at the middle of July. (Holy moly, why is summer going so fast?) I finally used the tagine I GOT FOR CHRISTMAS because we got Morocco! And boy, was I kind of nervous I would ruin this dinner. Aside from the new tools, we were using new ingredients – literally anything could have happened. But, the stars really aligned for this one an we had something so new, so delicious and fun. So here it goes, the story of a girl, her tagine and some olives.
I will admit to being a diehard Pinterest-er, but a few months ago, I actually bought a real life cookbook. Like a thing made out of paper and sits on a shelf book. However, if we are being truthful, I only bought it because the cover picture looked perfect and I needed some new décor. Well, lo and behold, guess what that picture was – chicken tagine with some olives. It’s even luckier that I remembered that I had this book. It was an idea of where to start when in uncharted waters.
I should also admit a little time passed between actually making this meal and writing this post. Thank goodness for the selective memory of an eight year old. He had to remind me of the ingredients and directions. The real mastermind behind the Global Kidchen.

The Ingredients:
Chicken Marinade:
- 5-6 Chicken thighs
- 4-5 garlic cloves, finely chopped
- 1 tbsp. ginger
- 2 tbsp. paprika
- 1 tbsp. coriander
- 1 pinch of saffron, grinded
- 3-4 tbsp. olive oil (I happened to have Harissa infused EVOO and it went great!)

In a large bowl or container mix all the ingredients and refrigerate for several hours.
Tagine Sauce
- 2 onions sweet onions, diced
- 15-20 Castelvetrano olives
- 1/2 c. parsley, chopped
- 2-3 preserved lemons, chopped
- 1 c. chicken broth
- 3 tbsp. olive oil

Directions: Chicken Tagine
- Start by heating the olive oil and browning the chicken thighs skin side down first. Cook on each side for about 5 minutes. Remove chicken from the tagine and set aside. (I discarded much of the oil also to avoid a greasy dish)
- Next, begin to saute the onions. Once soft add the lemons, parsley and chicken broth.

- Add chicken pieces back to tagine and cover. Turn heat to low and simmer for about 40 minutes.
- Add olives, and simmer another 5-10 minutes, or until the chicken has thoroughly cooked through.
- Serve it over some apricot couscous and garnish with more parsley.

We’ve done a lot of chicken thigh recipes – try these too! France – Coq Au Vin, Hugary – Chicken Paprikash, Phillipines – Adobo Chicken.