Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner! Jake loves hummus. Jake loves making hummus. He loves to double his batch to have it all week long. I should do a post of his recipe. And now, Sudan’s Ful Medames might just be hummus’s cousin we never knew about. I find it funny that in the whole wide world …
This Year’s Summer Series: Cocktails
The grass is turning mostly green and the flowers are starting to sprout from the earth again. It is such a reprieve to see some life coming back to the outside world, and I love the idea of planning out the yearly garden. Normally, we plan a trip back to Florida for Spring Break because …
Honduras: Baleadas
Summer vacation is quickly approaching, and the world is on fire to pack their bags and travel. Myself way included. When Chris and I first got married, we promised ourselves an international vacation at least every other year. And very quickly, the reality of adulting caught up with us and the rose colored glasses we …
Egypt: Koshari
Ancient History and YouTuber Fusion – There was minimal Google searching this time because apparently Jake knows an assortment of Egyptian dishes. In particular, my mouth dropped to the floor when Jake was not only describing and listing the ingredients but also what it was supposed to look like down to the fried onions on …
Derby Day: Mint Juleps
There is a little known fact about my husband. I didn’t even know it for probably half of our marriage. Bucket list item number one (or at least top 5) is to go to the Kentucky Derby. Not the Super Bowl, not conquering Everest, but putting on some fine linens and sipping Mint Juleps at …
A Few Days in Charleston, South Carolina
You may recall we moved back to Denver from South Carolina a few months ago. Little did I think that we would be returning so soon. This time however, we found ourselves in the low-country of Charleston, South Carolina for a few days on a whirlwind trip through the South. This was probably our third …
Andorra: Truites de Carreroles (Mushroom Omelettes)
We found the love child of all the most classic food dishes you can think of in Andorra. Nestled right between France and Spain, it takes the influences of their very foodie neighbors for the ultimate fusion experience. And with no further ado, I give you Truites de Carreroles (Mushroom Omelettes). It seems so basic, …
New Zealand: Meat Pies
I scoured the intenet for a more formal name, but in New Zealand apparently it’s just ‘meat pie’. And I’ll let you know, it’s not the typical sweet and sugary pie I am used to, but a more handheld and savory, meat filled version. I could be totally on board with that, I’d pick savory …
Ooni Pizza, Attempt #1
Omg, I got myself an Ooni for Christmas. It has taken a hot minute to save all those accolade points from work to get this baby. Having this blog has been an excuse to build up quite the collection of miscellaneous appliances and tools over the years, like a spatzle maker and a tagine, but …
Happy New Year’s, 2023 Edition
Happy New Years! And boy, this had been quite the year. After our very exciting full of changes 2022, we’re looking for a little rest and even more so, consistency. We’ve moved back East, we’ve moved back West. There’s been several new jobs and even more new schools. There’s also been new homes and new …